Scientists have proven that when we look at a person, an animal or even their pictures, we first involuntarily look into their eyes. When we look at a person, we quickly run our eyes over their lips, nose, and hair, but invariably come back and fix our gaze on their eyes. The eyes express the full range of human feelings. Everything matters - the lumen of the pupils, the shape of the eye, the position of the eyelids and eyebrows, the presence of wrinkles - the "rays" around the eyes, the absence of red stripes on the "white" of the eye, the brightness of the color of the "iris". In addition, the area around the eyes is a kind of indicator of a person's age.

From a specialist's point of view, the problems in this area can be divided into the following:
- decreased skin elasticity
- wrinkles around the eyes
- puffiness and dark circles under the eyes
- "nasolacrimal groove", this is one of its "unsympathetic" manifestations - a groove running diagonally from the inner corner of the eye along the face appears as a result of age-related displacement and sagging of the skin,
- hernias of the upper and lower eyelids
Who is to blame and what to do
Almost all problems of the eye area begin with a decrease in the elastic properties of the skin. The skin begins to "slip", the border between the eye socket and the face shifts downwards, the eye begins to age, as the lower edge of the eye area is no longer covered by soft tissues, but only by a stretched eyelid.
Important! It is necessary to "grasp" the process at the very beginning so that the skin does not move downwards so much that it can only be tightened by surgery. It is necessary to carry out preventive courses that strengthen the muscles of the face and increase the elasticity of the skin around the eyes. Experienced beauticians usually do notthey develop a "straight" course, but use combinations of techniques, and the choice of technique is often based on the current condition of the patient's skin. If you are over 25 years old, be sure to visit a beautician, they will develop an individual anti-aging program for you, taking into account the hereditary characteristics of the face. Someonea hernia threatens, someone has dark brown circles around their eyes, someone has so-called "premolar bags". An experienced beautician will immediately see your "weak points" and advise you on what to pay attention to. The common misconception "the later you go to a beautician, the better" is fundamentally wrong, and because of this, many people miss the prevention of facial and eye aging.
Problem and solution
Some of these deficiencies (for example, hernias of the upper and lower eyelids) can only be treated by surgeons. But most of the remaining problems can be solved by a beautician.
Wrinkles around the eyes are removed with Botox or Dysport injections. For people prone to edema, their use should be preceded by a course of hardware cosmetology (microcurrent) and mesotherapy aimed at improving blood and lymph circulation.
Comprehensive programs using hardware cosmetology, chemical peeling, mesotherapy and biorevitalization help to increase skin elasticity, remove unwanted pigment spots, swelling and fine surface wrinkles. Mesotherapy differs from biorevitalization in the preparations used: hyaluronic acid has a larger molecule than biorevitalization, which allows it to remain in the skin longer and have a more pronounced rejuvenating effect. The program of alternating biorevitalization and peeling procedures provides an excellent effect on the rejuvenation of the skin of the eyes. It is better to use preparations specially designed for the area around the eyes, which increases the efficiency of the procedures and makes them as physiological as possible.
A complete course consists of four peeling procedures and four biorevitalization procedures (hyaluronic acid preparation) alternating, with a one-week break between them.
The composition of the peeling contains a combination of acids that have a pronounced depigmenting and rejuvenating effect. It is used in a small concentration, which reduces the risk of irritation, but the desired effect is achieved by summing up the effects of the two acids. During the production of the peeling, the technology of the "gradually released" active ingredient is used. After the procedure, peeling is usually small and insignificant. It starts approximately on the 2nd day and ends 4-5 days after the first procedure, it is faster after repeated procedures.
Biorevitalization is prescribed at one-week intervals after peeling. The ideal choice for this is the use of the hyaluronic acid preparation, which is designed to treat sensitive areas with a minimal risk of swelling. The drug is administered in large "drops", which significantly reduces trauma to the skin.
Oxygen-ozone therapy helps smokers and people who practically never spend time outdoors. It refreshes the face and improves the elasticity of the skin, the eyes become bright and clear.
Patients with "bags" under the eyes are shown microcurrent therapy, which makes it possible to strengthen the skin and remove congestion. The result can be noticed after 2-3 procedures, but for the sake of lasting results, it is advisable to visit 10-15 procedures 2-3 times a week.
Hyaluronic acid-based gels help fill the deep nasolacrimal groove, visually "hide" the hernia. This procedure is one of the most effective, as it is performed quickly, almost painlessly, and filling the nasolacrimal groove literally "rejuvenates" the face for several years before our eyes.
Where should I start?
A suitable rejuvenation program around the eyes should start with restoring the quality of the skin (mesotherapy and peeling) and end with the introduction of Botox and hyaluronic gels. In the absence of edema around the eyes, the "debut" is possible with the introduction of Botox. When preparing for plastic surgery, therapeutic preparation with cosmetic techniques is also desirable. This significantly improves the course of the postoperative period and significantly reduces the likelihood of complications. It is also important to choose the right products for home useand their regular use.
Finally, we note that we must not forget about the most effective methods of rejuvenating the area around the eyes: good sleep, fresh air and the absence of bad habits.